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Every time when I start thinking about my perfect partner, I imagine woman, who knows how to enjoy life, a woman who has good sense of humor, who can make me laugh who will sing me to sleep and stroke my hair tell me they love me everyday and make me feel good all the time. Someone comfortable in their own skin and comfortable with others being themselves. I cant tell jokes but i try.
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I like men who are confident, masculine, intelligent, sexy, adventurous, full of life, and GOOD LISTENERS. I love to cook and it turns out to be more then friends thats fine by me. I don't mind chatting! North English, Iowa sex swingers. Moved to Austin about a year ago and that is when everything began to change.
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I love pleasing women, im a bit submissive. I love to have regular discreet play partners. Looking for someone/ people to have exciting & fun times with. Hello I'm new here my name is Yvonne I'm looking for a partner in crime that would like to hang out, explore desires, try new things without strings. My wife and I do not play together. Anyone.READ MY SHIT....
6 ft 190 lbs muscular with tattoos...8 inch cock...down for anything nasty. Honest sweet heart no bullshit. Comfortable with man or woman.

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I'm a 31 year old book worm looking who enjoys board games, travel, good food, and kinky fun. If u like to knw more ask me. Hi Everyone, Thank you for coming to have a look at my profile, I'm an happy go lucky average sort of guy in a sexless marriage,looking for a lady to have some NSA attached fun with.

If you have any advice about what to write down here, I'm all ears. Trying to make the most of it with the right people.

Me: Open, sane, smart, funny, compassionate, honest, outgoing, driven..You: Be smart.
Im grown i like to have fun and enjoy my youth while I still can.

Cleanliness is important as is some degree of discretion. Maybe when we were in our 30s that would have been important, but now we're more realistic. Im looking for a girl who wants to sound my cock, Ive never done it so we can explore it together or if u have experience my cock is all yours, I would be extremely grateful for the lesson.

We are a mid 20s couple from the goldcoast. Im a laid back person that enjoy life and all i can get out of it (if you know what i mean)....I dont try to play game on people,because i dont wont people playing them on me.I just want to have fun in my life as what I wanted in my life.
Must be discrete. I am not looking for serious at the moment.
I am funny and easy to get along with and easy to talk to,widowed 8yrs,thick,love to please,no drama,love to talk during sex,give multiples I have had a lot of fun, Want more regular couple to meet more often and more just like minded friends So they say my more profile is to short not sure why. I belive getting to know someone help get ride of those first encounter jittes.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.