Love reading classics and books on personal development and improvement. Black bisexual adult dating. Snowmobiles and nude woman

"so i,ve been informed". I checked the hand book and after a year is all you need I got 10 plus.
I'm not sure what I want exactly other than to enjoy life more.if you can help me I'm sure I could make sure you enjoy the experience too.
Please don't communicate unless you are willing to have a night with me. My match should be understanding,real,loving,full of romance. Not pushy! Well mannered seen a interesting life. Wet pussy hole. I currently have long blondish-brown hair with a couple of prominent white streaks, though occasionally it'll have varying amounts of purple, blue, pink, or some other color. I am not looking for guys, studs, nor couples..females please hit me up if you're serious and not about games.Yes I do have pic.
Not looking for a one night stand or sex buddie. I don't play games and would never waste your time. What ever pleases you.
Sex is an activity enjoyed by each player.
Currently planning a content tour. Local swingers Folkston, GA. I am seeking adult dating a quality attentive friend.
Sex and connection is a big deal for me and i've been left by the wayside for adult dating a while.
Feel free to contact me. --Fit or athletic builds..Now these ARE the deal breakers:. Pussy in Ozark, AL!!! I look for positivity in all things, I understand how precious time is, I trust my intuition and i live by high standards.
My ideal person is someone who knows what they want. Someone that understands I have a life and cannot play as often as I would like to keep what I do and when I do to those i do it with.
I'm a big girl who knows what she wants especially in the bedroom but is not scared to try new things and teach new things along the way.
Very curious and adventurous!
I have a very open minded, kind, respectful and relaxed personality and try to put everyone at ease around me. I enjoy keeping fit, trying new things and gaining new experiences.
We created this to get her the fucks she deserves. Very easy going clean & tidy & totally respectful towards females. Looking for similar minded couples and smooth BI guys ideally 29-50. Pretty upmarket, but not snobbish (basically prefer if you have most of your teeth and don't turn up in UGG boots ;-)_), great sense of humor (so we are told) and very laid back and easy going, affectionate, considerate of others.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.