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I'm also quite a big history and geography nerd (ask me a history fact if you want!). Been fantasizing about being with a woman and threesomes (ffm/mmf/fff), want to try new things, positions and play, not into heavy pain, want to give and get pleasure, stepping out of my comfort zone to explore new sexual experiences in life, but want to be discreet. Will send photo upon request. We are business owners so our meeting time is somewhat limited to mostly group meetings or parties, and do occasionally meet up for drinks and fun.
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I wanna make women cum. If you're interested in chatting leave me an e m ail. Looking have sex with friends with benefits I'm 6'2 Brown hair and brown eyes. I am fit, young looking, out-going, and athletic.
A honest and caring person who is ready to share his life with me. Basically looking for a regular nsa relationship. A good time, sex and possibly more tall,big tits adventourous and nice arse. Little lady with a big plate of grownup.
Not looking to change my situation or your either. Does anyone want to show me what its all about?
For me, want you to be exciting and fun. Just simplicity.
In a sexless marriage and need to be rewound. Hi i am a 30 year old latin/spanish guy. I am looking for fun and more. I am 45 years old professional man face photo will be provided on contact!
Shy guy but very easy going once u get 2 no enjoy sports bbq's with friends quiet nights at home in the jacuzzi and I can't be faithful very comfortable just about anything looking forward to hearing back from you lets see what u got to off and ask for more info. If I see something I like I take it. My wife has a super low sex drive but I am ready for my first lesbian experience. Like to chill at home.and are fucking whatever.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.