Live in British Columbia Lookin for a hook up. Wife swap on camping trip. Couples looking for single girl

I love to chill, watch movies, play pool, 420 friendly also. Love to find a fwb, open to dating as well. A country lady. I'm separated, work hard, got my shit in order, make the most of life and have a great time together. Im not a prude and been around it all, so I know what I like and am intrested in.
A woman who is not possessive, not jealous, will communicate during love making because no one knows better then her what makes her climax.
Out in the on camping trip woods on a trail or just walking the along the seawall. I am greatly attracted to hard working, blue collar, bald and bearded tattooed stocky men around my age.
Sexy guy, masculine, muscular toned body, good looks, friendly and easy going Maritimer, I like the outdoors (fishing/camping), sports, music.. An outdoor type of guy who is in a sexless marriage who wants to re-discover my lust for life. I have a great career and a 17 year old. I'm quiet at first but a friendly caring person and enjoy pleasing others.

The only taboo in the bedroom is keeping our clothes on. Married life is not all it's cracked up to be.

Hope everyone is warm and happy tonight. I have an extremely high sex drive, looking for somebody that can handle it! She lives out of town so we could all play together on camping trip when she is here or I am always ready to give a helping hand to the ones who need it and I will never turn my back to the people I care for. Looking for a long-term sexual partner who is both comfortable with oral sex and exploring her body more.
Looking to connect with someone authentic and fun. Couples free penpal contact!
Going out. Allow me to treat you properly.
I'm not sure exactly what i'm looking for, but a long-term friendship wouldn't be bad either.So if u think ur interested u know what to do.. Im on Facebook if your real. Looking to explore and be taught new things today.
Some cheeky outdoor fun. Time Magazine Person of the Year in 2006. I'm a mom of 2.
Looking to have fun and create heat. Seeking respectful fun with a thick cutie with bust and booty..Also open to couples . We embrace the social side of our rendezvous' so the ability to converse is a must.
I am an angel. I'm super fat and a lot of fun. Im looking for 50 years old and older melanated men with a beautiful BBC who is looking for an amazing connection along with an amazing sexual experience.
I am a attached male looking for a casual FWB ongoing situation (EMPHASIS ON FRIENDs). I love poetry, books, walks on the beach or the trails and take in all the wonderful views. Black shemale personal.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.