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Physically fit and love outdoor activities. An Oral man with masseuse skills and soft domination interests looking to pleasure older women or younger. ~ Bit of an Adrenaline Junkie... Masturbating strong on women!!! Someone who loves sex and like to play golf hike read watch movies and travel both local and international just joined the site so working on getting more pics up Have been told I look better in person.
I am Attractive, in shape clean and single. She doesn't have any sex drive or show me much attention.

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I am NOT the one! 6'1", chunky and loving it.
Love a woman who knows what she wants and is fine with suggesting new things (maybe even demanding them). Barefoot women nude. I may in future but as of now no.
Travel is a big part of my life, as I most enjoy pleasing others. Not into cyber sex or sexting.

Now it's time for me to have some fun with no strings I also have a tight group of old friends I've known for decades. I ride a harley.

Looking for ladies to have some naughty fun with! I've been cheated on by my husband who I am separated from for 10 years, no one deserves that.
I'm looking for female friends only to hang out, shop, travel with, and to have freaky wet sex with on those horny day/nights. Personal female hardcore sex men!!!
Wanna get to me??? Just normal guy with tattoos and dogs lol ask anything.
Open to a lot of good times.
Looking for an non committal hook up or fuck buddy/fwb. Maybe I'm having a midlife crisis? I can do NSA.
Looking For a fwb for now, open to more. Sexy adventurous and open to new experiences.

Never experienced dating couples, but are welcome to, I am open to all play as long as a woman or women are involved. Wanting this to happen ASAP.

Leo chico timido me gusta el aire libre, paseo, naturaleza quiero divertirme. Nuff said for now...... Be ready for me to ask you for a selfie with you giving a thumbs up so I know it's not a photo you had from MySpace and it's current.
I am a fit, athletic guy living in Calgary. Looking for naughty girls for naughty fun, slow , or kinky as well, restraints, spanking, give in to your naughty side. I'm a fairly shy guy that is looking for women and couples to have fun with. I'm new to this and looking for a buddy to hang with and have a good time....also couples are a big plus....the more open the more fun i guess. Some of you guys really need some lessons on how to admit I'm rather promiscuous, that's why I'm here!
I am looking for sex.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.