I am a person who enjoys having a nice long afternoon of sex and foreplay. Nude girls from Lumberton, MS. Nudist women try swinging

Otherwise please do not waste my time. You should be well groomed and live alone in the house you are willing to host at. Insert fun people here<. Very married but looking for some fun on the side a regular haves lot of compassion and love to give pleasure.
This is a girls only journey! Girls for sex for fun wild. Account expired. I love cool girls, so if you're cool and you're hot and you're down for a good time, than that's good enough for me! So if you are a chill from Lumberton, MS down to earth woman it would be great to have that in common. Mature intelligent laid back guy who loves to give massages.
Although I'm an average guy, I have an from Lumberton, MS above average endowment and know how to use it. Very kinky adventurous and open minded in bed.
Also,would love to find the right couple to enjoy weekends with in FL Lets chat soon Rich aka BIG DADDY. A from Lumberton, MS good woman inspires a man, a brilliant woman interests him, a beautiful woman fascinates him, and a sympathetic woman understands him. Someone who wants sex, and lots of it! Ideal Person well breathing would be a good fit for us Any questions just askHe is 62 slim with an 8 She is 410 a little chubby 34D. I prefer to be a regular toy for a couple and if the trust gets there, everyone can bareback with testing. Girls being executed.
You will need to be able to host or get a room.
So if you like a wicked tongue that delivers cum and comedy in equal measure, drop me a line. I'm open to all ages from 18 to 60, and all body types. I'm a frindly and interesting person.
It can be so hot. Mather fuck other man. I prefer men with big dicks,9 inches or more. I love honesty , understanding and someone who speaks their mind. Good personalities and personal hygiene are a must have.
See "My Ideal Person" section. Outdoor pussy hunting. We enjoy camping, getting out on the side by side, relaxing watching a movie (generally in the action, comedy genres). Retired professional looking for single/married ladies or men with a similar needs. Just moved to SoCal and open to new experiences or adventures. I'm looking for discreet fun no strings attached. I am interested in new Knowledge and new experience.
If that's an issue, i understand, and you have other choices to make. I'm not looking to hook up at this time.

I'm a full on giver and like to keep women in suspense before making them finish multiple times. I love to suck and also to be taken from behind. NO HEAVY from Lumberton, MS SMOKERS, NO DRUGS.

Mature Utah swingers. Haven't had a girlfriend before.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.