I want a person who is herself and doesn't act anything. Horny housewife in Rockwall, TX. Dating sexy girl fuck

Hmmm sexy little salvadorean. Looking for the kind of people that make the moments that you remember for the rest of your life. Some ground rules: No strings attached. I like my partner to tell me what to do/follow my lead) in bed. I keep it going for a long time. Sexy deaf woman in Dahlonega, GA naked.
Doubtful I'll find one. We'll play as a couple & otherwise. Whoever it is doesnt matter as long as you are clean and safe lol. I'm just looking for good conversation and sex.
I am clean and discreet. Nudes girls in sport.

I have a muscular body. I have been divorced for four years. So this is all new stuff to me. I'm fun loving and open minded.

I also have somewhat a little side as well. I am completely new to this site (and this type of site), so I don't really get out much.

That's not who I am, I certainly wouldn't want someone doing that to me. Anything goes just be upfront if shy just say so..

Looking to explore my bi side for the first time with a couple..Looking for chats up or NSA with the right person.
I do travel with work so if I give you my time you are special. Don't be upset when I make a mess on your bed. I'm also interested in delving a little more into the bondage/discipline/S&M scene (and I'm definitely domi).
Simple and easy going..calm and loyal. Let me know what you think x. Looking for something simple in Rockwall, TX for now, if it grows it grows.
6'2" 300lbs. Honestly I'm not really sure what type of relationship I'm looking for. I am only interested in nothing more than helping to fulfill a fantasy.
Women or trans women curious and want to know what it feels like to fuck a woman...so I'm bi-curios with a guy friend. Happy honest reliable fun people just ask.
I am looking some kinky fun. 5'8 athletic brown eyes.

New to the site and learning the lifestyle.

Je veut du sexe le plus souvent possible et le plus longtemps possible minimum 4 heures. Hot horny lady needs some hot freaky pussy in Rochester, MN need their pussy play with themslaes. She has no interest is pleasing me, but wants to watch.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.