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Just a normal guy with a bit of a freak streak. Tall, skinny, brunette with long wavy hair! Understanding this is casual I give her (you) that when you need someone to cum over and play just call me. We are a fun couple she is a very shy 43 year old milf we r first looking for a bi female must be clean with proof, would like to do a video chat for a meet and greet mainly for u so u can see what she looks like, we most likely won't be posting any kind of pics of her on here just because she is shy, serious inquiries only. Seeking horny men.
You know where to find me...hawt...I am looking for someone to experiment with :) I am bi-curious, kinda shy at first but would like to try something new.
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I am young at heart and very mature in mind, i am easy going and i love my man to St. Joseph be mature than i do. I have much more to learn. Christian Noir AKA Christian Black AKA Christian Grey's older brother.
I'm also vaccinated, drugs and disease free, and is open to trying new things. I especially like squirters :-) I will try most things, i have a very open mind and don't mind getting dirty. I used to wonder why i always cosplay boys.
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My heart is ready for love and a new stage in life. Seniors fuck groups. I am a passionate, fun guy with a great sense of humour and adventure plus a love of all kinds of music especially live. Easy going, fit healthy, love sports, gym, A genuine guy with no hassles or baggage, Up for some fun. I like to go out to the clubs with my friends on the weekends.
So that is a work in progress. Sorry St. Joseph to say, we are not playing right now!
Possibly even friends outside of sex. Enjoy music listening and playing, the beach, bbq's most importantly looking for someone that has a happy nature, I m not fussy on looks, nationality or size as long as you come and enjoy yourself.
Young couple looking for another girl to hav some fun with. Easy going likes to laugh and have lots of fun.

Slightly dominant, not big on being mean to people so if that is what you need and hope to hear back from you, a person who thinks life is a gift and enjoy it all while u can, someone who is very open minded, can be the leader or a equal in the relationship, who likes to explorer places just because it there.

Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.