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Poly and living with my nesting partner. Not sure what Ideal is. I'm in an open marriage, but a rookie at it. Not really that difficult, some one who is just wanting to have fun and see where the night takes us.
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There is no need for the safe word here..
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Not looking for anything serious just casual fun. Want to try new things are u that new thang. Okay, looking for adventurous souls that want to experience and live out 2023.

I'm also an avid bibliophile and typically go through 2-3 books per week. Males looking for matures women. I'm (seldom/always) willing to try some light bondage or blindfolds.
I am cool with one-night stands, but a semi-regular thing would be nice. Like many Asian girls I was taught by an older lady how to really satisfy a woman. Heya, i'm Arron. I'm a charismatic and open minded guy looking for some playmates. Now the are grown, hubby works out of town most of the time which leaves me with a lot of kinks I wish to explore. Looking for a no strings attached hookup. Nude girls of VT.
Looking for a long term FWB for fun times, Connection needs to be there. Am open., if others out there that would be worth talking to and getting to know.
I'm an overweight guy working my way down to hwp, currently down 110 pounds! I am very optimistic and positive personality.
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I value my time too much to play games and chase people, so I need you to be up front and honest about your intentions and desires, don't contact me. Enjoying life with meeting fun people absent of drama or games. Enjoying everyday for what it is...what u make it!!;^). Most odd looking pussies. I am clean, no drugs no disease.
Intelligent guy who likes to hold a conversation nude sexy massage and have good hygiene. It would also be nice to form friendships of like minded people in the lifestyle. I am not good at submission.. There has to be a spark.
Just on here looking for a good time if you like to reach me faster.

My age range is 41 to 56, height preference 5 9 or taller.

I just got out of a very long term relationship so I just want to meet like-minded folks, and go from there...
An alpha Male , who knows what he wants and needs. We are laid back , easy going , down to earth , music is life ,, always keen for a road trip. I'm an inexperienced guy looking to dom or be dommed but i'm open to anything. Very easy going laid back straight male looking for nsa fun with females and couples.
Single kinky girl.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.