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While a Dominant is both authoritarian and powerful, they are ever mindful of those around them, exercising care and consideration for their subs, as well as acting with respect for others regardless fuck Toledo, Ohio of whether they are Dominant or submissive.As with rl, the good Dominant in SL takes responsibility for the submissives in their life. Honest, but generous! Mischief is so hard to manage.

I need someone to share intimacy with, both on an emotional and physical level. I'm a very laid-back easy-going kind of girl I would say I'm an easy going, fun loving guy. Looking for someone that enjoys meeting up during the day or in the evening at times, but nothing serious. Now, I want to feel free and am curious for the kind of fun people are enjoying out there in the world.

We enjoy the outdoors, boating at the lake, snowmobiling and just having fun! Here's hoping :) and thanks for taking the time to read xx.
All races ages sizes and fetishes welcome. I don't drink but I do smoke sometimes but it isn't often. A normal working professional that enjoys oral and I am bi tolerant. I'm a laid-back, open-minded guy looking for a woman that can and will meet your needs give me a shout. I like to try new thing. I'm looking for hook ups, it's time to get out and enjoy like after a long relationship.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.