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I am mostly considering a lady.. Sex is to be FUN!.I am a NUDIST at heart..Average to better than average in physical shape are extreme turn-ons.
Single looking for friends 52 open minded. I love , I love Myrtle Beach girls that cooking! Those close to me consider me as a woman of many values, i am independent, kind at heart, honest and also know what i want.
With that said, I have become quite an aficionado of adult hang outs. Would love to have a great time together without all the hang ups and inhibitions that come into most relationships.
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Sunshine in my hair, fitness in my heart, and a smile that lights the room, all this is me! Kinky and fun only. I'm a very good-natured person, value integrity, honesty and a sense of humor who are looking for FWB, 3 ways, hang and cuddle (naked or clothed).

Lookin for some casual fun want to meet sum Myrtle Beach girls that horny ladies. I'm ether the life of the party, the start of the party or the one who brings it back from the dead. Looking forward to meeting some of you.

I'm seeking a discreet friend for fun and passion. I have never had a STD. Separated for close to a year and out of a relationship, I want to enjoy life, have fun and be of myself.

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I'm single and looking for fun people to hang with and more I'm pretty lowkey, stay busy with my work and dog, mostly weekends free.
I'm stocky built dark skin bald blk male. Some fun things I imagine are joining a couple or a group, playing some erotic games.
What is there to say? Woman forcing man sex. If you would like to make contact I can't answer emails here but there are other ways of contacting if you check out the status.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.