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I would prefer something ongoing. Actually being able to talk to someone because I am a standard member on here, so I can't view many pics or profiles.....if you want to get me interested, give a rea to be! Not a bossy type woman. Ready for fun. I could be a pretty good friend with benefits. Smooth fem cd seeking female or male seeking fun.
While I won't mind you sending yours, I'll take that as you're fully willing to commit and come over. Natural or colored, it doesn't matter. Live on the NSW Central Coast and am looking for someone in similar situations, looking to feel alive againDrop me a mail or text and lets see what we can cum up with lol.If you don,t intend on meeting than pass us by. Nude bending over. If you are married or attached please do not contact me.
I'm an experienced bisexual woman looking for female friends with benefits.
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Somewhat muscular and vwe man to fulfill her every fantasy. In need of relief..Please can someone assist.. 20 year old male looking for girls to have casual meetups with. I am honest, open, and expect the same. I would like to meet someone like myselfFor me a perfect Friday night is looking for adventure-and finding it. Horny wives on Houston. I am open to all sexes and making new friends and relationships along the way.
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Must though be looking for real meets hopefully.
I love to have a passenger on the bike if you want to play im in. If you want good time in the bed, I am your type, I am open to dating, but FWB fun is perfectly fine with me.
Also you can both do anything you want me to do to you. I cant really view messages or anything atm.
NSA FWB please no Dom or other violence. Just laid back go with the flow time.
I've always put everyone first my whole life..I've been thru so many ups and downs..and now shit that isn't best are at least what I want..then I change lanes..it's all bout me and what I want and so yeah...I'm doing me..
Coffee can't hurt. Sexy and sensual. I think a little mystery is good lol.
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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.