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Looking for a consistent lover who I can also hang out with periodically.

I like to flirt doing sexy movements and laugh and do fun things, or just lay in bed and cuddle and explore each other.

NO SINGLE MALES need to apply as we are not interested and will not reply but we will block you straight away. I'm looking for someone that's able doing sexy movements to share splashes of passion, romance, and attraction together, someone who understands and has a similar reality. Committed to a few hobbies. Skinny woman sucking cock. Hello everyone ask me if u wanna know more, just send me an email or message me. Also: Top.03% Girth in the world if it matters.
Couple looking for female to join us for lots of fun fun fun. I'm looking to push myself a bit. Looking for a Girlfriend or boyfriend. Someone who doesn't mind being guided to the hot spots with likes and dislikes.
I still have an accent sometimes. Hairy heaven sex.
I was on here before, deleted my profile and now back again. Also long lasting for those marathon ladies.
Looking for a sub for irl meets but open to online for the right per. That should be about it for now. We also love the outdoors and, of course, love long sexual interactions!!
One last thing, if u really want to catch my attention, please be respectful,,, one thing that really turns me off is faul language when u are trying to make ur move!! Debatable doing sexy movements depending whether dating, relationship, hook up or fling but someone unafraid of voicing what she wants so shoot me a message if I like what I see. In just looking for wild and kinky girls to help with wild desires so I can fulfill hers.

Looking for occasional drinks, a movie here and there, dinner, etc. I am looking to explore new sexual experiences. Looking for sexy individuals as well as good hard kissing and if the mood is right full sex. So yes I get to play and have fun but yet wants to try new things within reason.

No drama please, Just don't have the time for that anymore. Bring on maturity, confidence, passion and a fight. I play safe for the most part until I trust or build an understanding of the person.
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Im a white male,tall, blonde haired blue eyes. Wisconsin swingers adult weekend getaways. I like going out, being in a crowd, live music, festivals, and many others interests. A submissive man that is ready for Female leads relationship.
In the bedroom I tend to start out traditional and eventually begin to explore her boundaries. I adapt to my new life and open lifestyle. Friends with benefits kind of person. Anyone I can connect with or at least a friend who I can talk to.
Looking for a man to worship my feet.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.