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I'm an easy-going Guy ,I'm retired from Chrysler Pacifica, I Crochet and knit, can make for you a Cock cozy chat with me Ouch , bend over. Looking for a kinky, dirty, naughty person that loves sex and wants to have fun in the bedroom or wherever it may be.
I'm young guy and I love to please and get you off as best I can. Like OSS events. Creating swingers GA this profile maybe a metaphor for parachute jumping and grasping for the rip cord in descent.??
I'm an adventurous, will try anything one time, Seven half in Length. I'm always blown away by the experimentalists out there willing to indulge their fantasies and egos.
Simple man looking to blow off some steam with in a low-key manner.

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My one weakness is lululemon yoga pants I could spend hours caressing worshipping a hot ass with my hands lips tongue... I'm attractive enough that you don't need to be, either. As long as we get a long we can have fun, Let me help spice up you life too.

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Me gusta salir con chicos.divertidos con ganas de pasarla bien sin compromisos ni dramas ni ataduras. Idea girl: Follow through with what you say, make plans and at the last minute no more communication or nothing. I am here to explore and see what can happen. Nude women in Coleman, MI.
Im not looking for hookups or a relationship, Im seeking a likeminded FWB that I can see whenever our schedules allow. Smart, funny, adventurous and cute.
I like to have fun I'm always willing to try some light bondage or blindfolds. I love sex with out drama and I respect the woman on all aspects, I'm very curious,,sometimes very shy, I like when the woman start to sedused me, Any woman with out drama, to want to meet for real, no games, or business, i spend my money to have a good time friend with benefits.
Someone who loves to laugh loves to have fun inside and outside the bedroom. Looking for discrete people that have fun and aren't pushy or demanding.I think it would be incredibly hot to tag-team a girl with her husband. If something serious develops, then let it be ;).
Previous experience or lack of it, isn't of great importance.
Shoot me a message and we will go from there talk soon john xxoo. Easy going, low tolerance for drama, intelligent, sarcastic, sorta shy, curvy, submissive, and a very passionate partner.
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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.