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I enjoy the outdoors, fishing, boating, camping, hunting, and sex in the woods I have been swinging since I was 21 going to hotel meetups and other functions.

I am open to just about anything. Let's get naked and figure it out from there. Looking for fun, chat, making someone smile.

I would love to find someone for some genuine regular kinky fun without the strings of a relationship getting in the way!
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Life is too short to have regrets or inhibitions. I am a Beautiful and Intelligent WOMAN!

I am experienced in the swinging life style and my husband is average build, great tongue(!) & open minded. My partner is a white, sub, trans female.

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Sorry we can't reply as that has been stopped too.

Honestly I'm open to anyone just trying to see what this site is all about! I'll sell feet pics to you, or hands, legs, etc. I hope to find a reliable man, confident in his desires, who wants to develop, move forward together, see the world and simply love with tenderness, passionately and carefree.

Looking for fun people i have a friend if your into mfm or mmmf up to u lol i travel to ct alot to work on my boat maine and ct were ill most likely be. Pussy clear sex!
How come watersports isn't in the kinks? Love talking dirty and watching porn and sucking each other dry.

As long as everyone is consenting then bring it on! Of course i'm down with one on Norman, OK one interactions with the right woman but this site seems to be geared toward groups.

I am looking for someone that wants to have fun while getting to know each other. That's a turn-on to me! Fuck girls in Topsham, ME.
I treasure my family. In men, I appreciate honesty, care, hard work and loyalty. Kissing is a must.
I'm a chilled and fun going guy looking for a bit of fun I am female & I was born female.
Woman athletes pussy. What's up this be tete aka hardhead im Jon here looking foe friends an maybe more but im a cool as stud to hang around with I smoke well sometimes I drink but drinking us not my thing but I like to have fun and if i learn a thing or two...than..... Nice, polite well educated in Norman, OK looking for frn.
If it works, it works!

Other than that Im a pretty open person so just slide in the dms and get to know me if your looking for a fun and discreet time, please message me and lets talk. Just here to have some fun if your up to it.

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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.