I am a heavy guy (300+), 6 ft tall, find all women beautiful. Wife swapping New Bern, NC. Story anal swinger club no condom

And I am always open for new experiences! St brenard fucks girl. I don't really believe in ideal people. Just casual fun, no strings attached.
Married is plus, husband can watch or join.
High sex drive - multiple orgasms. Just not sure If I'll be sticking around.
Im cheerful, funny and elegant at the same time. Hot sex lines. I'm five foot siv 42 ddd Auburn hair I love to fuck like a slut but don't think I dont deserve to be treated with respect.
I need a uncomplicated dick with no relationship drama. Loving, caring , open minded affectionate, respectful,being committed to the ones you love regardless New Bern, NC of their actions, showing affection, doing the little things that show you care, listening before deciding, and of course true love.
Hot bare cunt.
Not currently looking for a FWB.
Look hairy horny. Love to eat pussy and ass and I have a strong sex drive.
Ask me . I'm in the mood for a cute gurl to catch my eye. I enjoy going out to clubbing or stay inside and watch movie. Recent mouth surgery and will not be taking visitors for until at least December. Thin man married. Enjoy reading, watching movies and tennis..
I'm open to anything..
Ass-nude massage girl! I would like to meet a group of swingers, a couple, a woman who is bi or a man with a big cock. Like to give pleasure. Husband knows everything.
I work hard at having a good outlook and a positive attitude.
I am looking for a family-oriented guy, who wants to find a bride and be happy!

And while I will eventually want a serious relationship but right now I need is to get laid.

Needless to say, I was wrong.
Ill add more later... I'm a non smoker and occasional drinker.

Not looking to become lesbian.

Id like to get to know you inside and out, im a giver and New Bern, NC am unselfish.
If you're dominant, I'll make you submit. I'm interested in all body types, everyone deserves to be fucked right. I am 6ft tall white and just looking for a fun time while I'm young. Also seeing who's out there and who may also want fun. Im such a bitch.. Well then we can see just how rough and fun things get.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.