I am looking to meet with a like minded person for some fun. Swinger fuck bisexual. Deluxe nude woman

I'm on the big side but just more of me to get hold of. I just want someone to smile when they see me. I always have a grateful heart in my life. -Fit/toned/athletic body couples or singles are usually what I gravitate towards but a great personality can trump that preference.

Someone that doesn't want multiple partners.

Interested in single female, or couple M/F or F/F. Looking for something casual, maybe something can come from it if it's the right fit.

Not against friendship etc.

Hello I'm Denis and fuck bisexual I am from England. We are exciting and love to have lots of fun!!!
Albans, Vermont today.
I do travel to Brisbane and seeing I work for myself I can travel with notice. It's been awhile since I've done any sexy times, I'm slow so yeah shy but not to fuck bisexual shy if you aren't too.
Would prefer to stay discreet if possible. I have a fetish for pleasing females orally and very much love legs and ass! Im a 58yr old blue eyed blonde that is fun, outgoing and 100% REAL! I'm not changing my life, but I want to explore and see where things go. Looking for someone open minded and easy going, no room for jealousy.
Looking to have some NSA fun with no drama. Just flirting and maybe sexting.
I'm wanting to watch my women be enjoyed by men strong sexual man with a large hammer is my fantasy. Bare with me if I'm slow to answer messages or if I go ghost. Rideing fourwheelers naked in period time in goan girl.
So, I'll message you if I'm interested.
Looking for couples fuck qld! Looking for someone to have a god time with and get off with.
I'm looking for the kind of woman who is interested in exploring the world with me. I enjoy outside activities as well as inside activities I am mostly at home body looking for girlfriend for my husband I will join sometime. Nice and friendly people that are open and like to be sexual. If ya need a riding friend let me know (have only ridden western).
I like to have sex with women older or Slight younger than me I love sex, but I'm more interested in coming across a pleasant conversationalist; one who possesses a seemingly never ending array of topics and paths to meander upon. FYI - not into attached or married guys, don't want any drama in my life!
Wife job naked men and girls nuked. Is a person that is interested in having a good time out of the bedroom and I need that reciprocated!
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.