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I've left no stone unturned in the bedroom. Although I rarely smile, I enjoy laughter, sarcasm and people courageous enough tell tasteful but bad jokes.

Anyway, hope to be able to connect with someone for consistent kinky fun. Respectful and clean.
Looking for friends who like fun and are discreet to match my personality.
If it becomes a longterm friendship even better.
If your ready for the time of your life..
Not looking for anything very serious at this time! I'm the right amount of serious and silly....I think?!?!?
I'm rather shy in approaching people, but I'm able to hold a conversation.
No BS, life's too short! A gentleman and a Scholar. Cullman, AL swinger wife.
You must be local and have a face pic or I won't even engage.
I love going out and having drinks.
There is only what you are willing to prove to me that your boyfriend has no idea how much of a slut you are. Divorced no , live alone, Retired.
Not boring erotic chat about licking me all over. A free sprit! I enjoy a healthy sexual appetite and enjoy sex with women on a regular basis. We are genuine and know our way around all things cock and ass! I am a confident and adventurous man who loves the outdoors too. I'm a switch, and fairly vanilla, so I'm always open to new routes and ideas.
NOT included are: deliberate pain and injury, eating shit or vomit. Swinger lesbian party. I was here as borogirl7 and urstruly1118. Then again...... I am bi, who acts straight & really enjoys mutual masturbation/oral/topping, along with many other facets of sex. Do you really want someone that just fucks everyone when they ask? Looking for local, creative, sexy, fun, intelligent, sensual people to have a good time.
I eat ass too lol. Looking for some NSA fun, m4m, love intercourse, fun, drama free, like to stay like that. Flirting, and talking dirty is medicine for the soul. Commitment-wise, we can just be good friends who want to have a little fun, wanting a little excitement. - Can't stand liars, cheaters, judgementals or wife beaters. Emails with proper sentence structure or basic words misspelled.
Just a normal person looking to see what's out there and have some fun.

I like watching baseball and football. Update** I'm back in Melbourne!!

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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.