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I work a lot so don't have time to Date. I have no idea y it's says wrong age :). NM couple looking for hot housewives love group fucking. Im not too picky when it comes down to any "sexual" encounters, i always lead and am always up for new adventures. Intrested in some adult fun on the downlow.
Am a larger male 6'2", heavyset , big belly, balding , goatee, shorter avg endowed , I am also is semi handicapped from a back surgery couple yrs back so difficult with some aspects of life but still like to go out and have a drink at the pub, watch a movie, but is equally happy to stay home, lie on the couch and watch tv till you die. I think a site like this presents an opportunity to meet those who like the erotic side of life, in an honest no holds barred environment, where often out in a social environment we all worry too much about what people think. My heart is full of caring for homeless animals and striving for justice. Pantyhose hairy black pussu. And, through her death, she taught me how precious life is and how much you have to value and appreciate love when you find it. I'm constantly seeking knowledge and understanding, eager to delve into deep conversations, and intellectual stimulation is a definite turn-on for me.
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I want something respectful but also exciting. I'm sane, and just tired of not having fun with someone (s).

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Currently in a don't ask, don't tell marriage. Also, someone who can host! Just looking for some fun people to hang out with preferably someone regular with no strings attached.
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Hi, I'm Lawrence s. GET READY TO SERVE YOUR GODDESS. Naked women from Baldwinsville, NY.
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