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Desire to learn. My sexy naked step sister! Please don't come at me with offers of the best oral I've ever had, I don't care how good you are at it.
A female gamer (ideal, but not required, of course). I am also greatly attracted attracted to younger but open to all legal ages).
Everest but then realised Ormond Beach the world is too round to reach the top.
I don't party much these days but do enjoy the bar and party scene. Highly sexual ,mature, but young in all ways ,blonde woman looking for fun people. ONCE AGAIN , NO MEN!!! I'm an afrocarribbean man, consider myself to be more a sensual dominant than a sadist though so don't fear.
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I'm looking for someone sane, conversational, and honest to hang out and chill and get to know me someone who is looking not just on here to pass time. Not to mention. Whatever happens happens on it app and I am open to a couple of things. Good fuck in Gallup.
(I cant respond to everyone). If your over 35 I am not interested in men in any way, shape or form. Pretty consistently traveling for work. I'm a man looking for a woman...in case you missed that on my profile. Oops there is no such thing as perfection. Nude holidays, dirty weekends away, lingerie and toys, 3some, role play.
I'm almost constantly moving about. I am a down to earth person, open to regular talk or whatever flows. Not into Asians or Indians.
In terms of the normal stuff, besides work, I jog and road cycle, and am into a big experimentation phase and trying anything different than what I've done before. A woman who wants to lay back and let me do what I like to do..White, hispanic, european types can turn my head. Just looking to enjoy life to the fullest. Want you to be dominant, but not abusive.
I am single after 22 years of open marriage. After exchanging a few emails would prefer to meet and see if it can go further.:-Y >>!
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Someone who's open minded and spontaneous.. Prefer a dominant sexual partner who takes in Ormond Beach the lead, can learn my body language and has the stamina to satisfy me sexually.
Lets get to know each other. He typically watches only..
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.