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Due to my current financial situation, I live with my mom and I help take care of her as well. I am looking to meet a someone who is interested in walking, fitness, scuba diving and DIY or just watching films and chill time.
I am very passionate and sensual, and love to please my partner in any way imaginable. I hope there is someone out there who would like some good proper ass worship. Single or married women or adventurous couples that enjoy the company of sexy women. Black sex fats. I'm a single guy, looking for someone for casual encounters. I figure my age in California shouldn't be an issue with any age I will contact. I couldn't care much about looks as i'am the kind of guy who likes a women more from what she is inside the heart rather than what she looks outside.
I love to be affectionate if the chemistry is there I want to find one person who I can flirt with, laugh with, and most of all have a good time.
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A man that is understanding and I can feel protected in his arms would be good. Just browsing maybe a hookup if things come together,Traveling in California west this summe 2024.. We're dtf, so please don't waste our time. Have my own place, can be discreet. Here to have fun and enjoy life.
I am in no rush to find my perfect Master/Dom/Daddy/Mistress/Domme. Don't mind high maintenance for I may be high maintenance myself.
How much man can see? I'm looking for a fit, healthy ,passionate, loyal man thar is ready for whatever life has to give to us. Can be married, can be lesbian or bi, race unimportant.
No judgemental people who just want to have fun and meet some great people.
Hit me up on chat or messages and we will see where it goes from there. A friend would be wonderful with benefits would be better. I am a young indian athletic build guy whose down to earth and wants to have fun. It would be great to find out ! Suck hait pussy!
Let's explore each other. Make me your private date of the night.

I like to hike, play pool & help my friends out when ever I can. I am independent, honest, loyal, open mind.

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Also someone who can help me fullfill my fantasies. I am open to a lot; try me. Chemistry 1st. Adrianne palicki naked.
Anyone looking for some fun.

I like to drink socially and party from time to time. If you're someone who has also just got out of a long term relationship and i intend to get settled in wherever i find that special man who will always make me happy and make me feel loved.

No gay men women welcome. I've been told my blue eyes have an honest glare that can melt the other person with no hidden drama.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.