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Outgoing , great personality, sensitive and a bit of a joker, get to know me you would just say you are you are the difference in that being uh where's that conceived you're stuck on myself or nothing But I know what I'm capable of doing But I just never found the right one so now I'm on here online because everybody dates this way I guess so to see what happens lol. Live in London now. I love cougars.
Kinda a nerd. In an open relationship(s);) All above board and free to explore.

What a woman sees a horny girls number for real relationship? All u men could learn a thing or two from him....(i wont change this.....cuz this is still true and wont ever change!!!!!!).

My idea person is fun not into bondage well just a little bit. Be sexy when contacting me please.

I am looking for an ongoing thing, at least 1x a week, preferably 2.

Sensous sole that enjoys conversation and being pleasured.. A friends with benefits scenario would ideal. I've dressed most of my life , I'm extremely submissive, kinky and eager to please !

FWB or more. I'm very much a giver and take great pleasure from driving a woman wild orally before moving on to mindblowing sex..

(And no belly in the way) Ask me out! Lol I dont know if this is tmi but at my age I am not dead and I am very well endowed (more than 10 inches long and 6 inches thick). I'm a single man who enjoys life and trying new experiences hope I find someone similar people.

I like to come across as shy and introverted but don't let that fool you.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.