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If not we may consider a single woman or man. Looking for some fun and maybe more. Id say im pretty out going and have had the pleasure of another laying her hands on me and vice versa. Lonely...just trying to meet a decent woman. Emotionally stable women who is interested in fun and games, and maybe even more.
A fun good looking couple or single female. Bang gang latina. Told I am fun. This is only for me he knows and is ok with it. I'm looking to broaden my horizons, explore and have some fun along the way!! Tactile, TLC giver hairy and warm.
Let's grab coffee, or better yet dinner, and explore what is possible. I'm a geek living in SEQ. A caring, loving and patient man is what I am looking for a Dominant Agressive Top, who will own me, verbally degrade me while having his way with me, and making and forcing me to be his or their Cum Dump Slave. Just looking to try something new and exciting. Hot to train a submissive!!!
Looking for something ongoing and maybe longterm if a real connection develops. Just a small town guy suddenly in the big city and looking for some fuck Miami casual fun! Must be willing to give as much as I get. Give me a message x.
Looking for a local woman for some fun in bedroom as in mostly mutual masterbation fuck in Miami with toys, touching and oral..lots of playing. Hello, I have just moved to area. Im also available to be a bbc bull for couples occassionally. I do not mind your color, ethnicity, age. I'll try anything once...ifly, trapezing, hot air balloon, but most days are filled with walks and art projects and family activities.
He is straight I'm bi. Prefer an attractive and in-shape woman that enjoys humor and is laid back.

I enjoy sports, whiskey, cars, gym, and the occasional hikeadventure. Looking to have fun fuck Miami if interested please message me back.

Una persona divertida, respetuosa, no me importa el fisico, tiene que cuidarse siempre (condon) y obligatoriamente DISCRETO. Find a slut friend online.
Like to meet someone who enjoy having some good time, who like a little foreplay than just sex. Looking for new friends to party with. I speak English as my native tongue. Looking for a long-term and not just sex and see ya. I'm a retired man with extra time on his hands , I'm open minded have traveled to 50 countries love trying different food and things, looking for a FWB , would love an open relationship and you never know where a good connection can be found.
Not a guy, couples or a wanna b girl please! Hello , I'm new. Hot pussy lick.
Cherche de nouvelle chose sauf aucun contact avec d'autre homme.
I am in search of normal but I was told no such thing is real.
I'm not a picky person. I prefer this method of first meeting in a public setting so that both of us enjoy. I've gotten burned a few times but I still put myself out there.
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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.