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Did you find any coincidences? I honestly have no idea what to put here but will update as I go along. Be patient with me but make the first move. Good body, im a tit man really but i suppose Atoka, Oklahoma what u get is what you get. As rare & unique as is gets, so if you're up for an adventure and lets see where it goes! If you want to see if we mesh that way.
Judge me after you get to know me send me a message if you fall within this categories..

Still like the aspect of clandestine it can be very interesting. I am educated and have a good career.

Looking for an Alpha with a great sense of humour and a man who knows how to accept and give feelings!
Can be a bit kinky at times. Juste le sex. All my posted photos are less than a year old, makeup free, and unfiltered.
Sex in Dillsburg, PA. OK I like some games, but you know what I mean ;) Very young at heart. I love sex and am looking for a friend that will be turn into a relationship.
Lying just brings on bad shit, everything always works out better if all the cards are on the table from the start.
Hello iam single looking to get to know you as you would me and that really would make it so much better. I'm a 27-year-old bisexual girl with green eyes and golden c. Rock climber, cyclist, outdoorsman, craftsman, who loves history, nature, adventure, road trips and GREAT sex. Looking to have fun with a couple or single women who I enjoy being with. Mostly trynna experiment and learn. A person that would likes to enjoy a great sexual night and relax.

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Love being the 3rd wheel and very open to various types of play. I want to have fun and life...lots of benefits. I'm a bi open minded guy looking to meet new friends for fun! The ideal person or couple is someone that is comfortable in there own skin looking to explore sexually in uninhibited ways pushing boundaries that would have the hair on the back of there neck stand up. Happy couples enjoying sex. I'm 5,3 120 pounds I love women I'm adventurous out going and fun to be around and doesn't nag. Clean, comfortable, sexy friends.
I am not looking for PPM. I'm very easy to get along with I'm humorous at times and also romantic at times But I do like quiet times with my partner to. I love girls with piercing looks and petit bodies. All ways of fucking. Hey I'm interested in getting to know others. I just Atoka, Oklahoma never know what to write in these things.
Looking for females that would like to have some discreet fun with gorgeous women. Hubby is twelve years older than me so older is all good. Send me an email and i promise you wont regret it.

A woman who has a smile that says she knows me, her eyes tell me she wants me right now. I want someone who wants more out of life.

I'm really not interested in one night stands, or random fucking. We prefer somebody who knows what they want and enjoys sex, if friendships happen all the better. Iam an open minded, kind hearted guy with a sense of humour. Someone who enjoys making me laugh, having fun, and is care free by nature. Note: I am actively seeking a partner who is open to learning sign language due to my deafness.
I am a masculine, professional, down-to-earth, easy going, and fun loving gay guy. I'm looking for new exciting experiences in and out of the bedroom. I can travel all over the county.

Whatever happens happens I say.

Love to cook, sing, dance, write, learn.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.