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My husband has encouraged me to pursue this curiousity further and I completely agree that there's more fun needed in this area of my life. Must be fun and chill, down to smoke, whatever.
On this site because I have a large sexual appetite, and the sex drive of someone much younger than my age and I have a captiavating smile.
Just looking for older men to have discreet fun with ;). Just a tall guy looking for people to play with. I am open to all ages and races......as long as is a woman.

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Just sections of time - away from everyday constraints - and old fashioned secret.... Let me start of by saying. Comprehensive and kind.. I'm interested in dominant men ( hello Daddy) and dirty talk.
32 years old looking to enjoy myself after a long marriage. I won't just sleep with anyone. Im a good lad who likes a laugh and gsoh is up for a good time without any strings attached.
It is a two-way thing. Im fun loving easy going and chill, i hate Alaska fucking drama and fake people.

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Fun, open, witty and free. Well, summer is upon us in the august place to be. Someone Alaska fucking who is open minded and doesn't mind trying new things, and I think everything is more fun with someone you have a connection with and can enjoy in other waysask questions I39m open to answering them FYI I am a big lady I39ve got curves and do workout and try to eat fairly well Looking for ongoing at least once a week I39ve got a high sex drive and could go all night if you let me i love giving oral and also rubbing your back so if you like what you see and you wanna get down and dirty email me. No dramas just all fun and games.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.