Have been on here once before chatted a lot. Pussy in Smithville, MS. Horny hot milfs looking to fuck

If that's an issue for you then i'm not what you are looking for. I am an emotionally intelligent man with a sense of fun who enjoys exploring. Sorry ladies, not looking for a woman for my girlfriend to play with. Prefer real men who can carry a conversation. Someone who needs lots of attention on a regular basis. Woman erotuc nude. I am happily married in all aspects except for one.
You HAVE to be clean and totally disease free if you are going to have your way with me ? Looking to explore all my boundaries...:). I'll start by saying receiving Submission to me is a special gift that person is placing their safety, wellbeing and future in your hand. After what everyone has gone through we must enjoy are lives. NO ANAL! I am an independent artist from Cheyenne who lives and breathes music.
I'm a very open person. I place a high value Smithville, MS on discretion, confidentiality, and privacy.
Submissive women want to fuck Hemet, CA!
Not looking for a relationship, more friends with benefits. Someone Smithville, MS to share some wonderful experiences with. And of course SEX!!!!
Definitely Smithville, MS need an emotional connection, not just gawd awfully great sex. Anyone who's not a bigot or a racist and just wants to hangout and chill. I am not single, and not looking for a relationship (she would have to be very special for me to reconsider). A guy who is a good conversationalist, he must be interesting with a good sense of humour, who doesn't take life too seriously.
Unsure of what i'm looking for, would enjoy something serious with the right person. Looking to have spontaneous fun.

Tatts prefer a couple down to earth down to play no fakes. Yet sadly, there are people who insist on handling it recklessly.

I'm 50 years old and I'm looking for someone close by to spend some time to get to know each other better we can meet. Attractive man,women slim, single independent financially secure sh-term lng-term relationship GOLD GUYS send message Im not gold, me silverlol. At the very least, maybe we both can expand our circle of friends. With that said I would like to find a guy who want to go on cruises with me.
Someone that would like to host me for some fun. 6'4 Happy to travel or host.
We're both very open minded and like to laugh and have fun. Amazing personality and not a bunch of hang-ups. Jogging, exploring, walking and yes napping! Would like an experienced masseur or couple to preform full body massage, and g-spot massage ,on wife, plus pleasure her as i enjoy the show...we are very discrete DD free and expect the same...would like him to have 6-7" and up with thick girth also.... Very non judgmental looking for the same.
I am a complicated mix of humanity.
You should be not too young (25+ lol - like there'd be any young women who'll read this...).There is a level of discretion required from you, as I don't want to disrespect my relationship with my wife which will continue.. My ideal person is someone who looks after themselves, has a positive attitude and enjoys having fun and laughs. I want to find happiness and enjoy life to the fullest with no inhibitions.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.