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Open to ons fwb, open even to longer types of relationships (never say never). I'm a cool, calm, educated, intelligent, nice, caring, partying,bisexual dude seeking a female with similar attributes, good sense of humor and a good sport.
I need a friend. Mature individuals.
I am not looking for a committed relationship, but for a friend. Looking for potential Frends with benefits and explore experiences along the way.
I'm an active player. Ive just had so much bad shit happen in my life tha i just want to be happy and experience life. We have now have some experience and WOW.
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We want to expirence fun and play. Spring is my favorite season, I like pastel colors even though most of my clothes are black.
If there's grass in the field, it's time to go hunting.
Just looking to have some discreet fun ;). Love hot pussy. Someone that can get me sexually satisfied, more pics upon request,real willing to give more pics but expect more from u in return , quick at responding for actual convos Am also open to online chat fun. I am not interested in being judged by others on this site.
Fresh out of a long wasted relationship. I love music, movies, books, sushi! I am down to earth and I would to be loved.

Lesbians, clean and healthy,,,,hot for good sex,,,,.Women who are curious or bi wanting nsa.3 women Ottawa somes....perhaps bi- 3some.Sorry but cant do BBW's. I'm not really sure what everyone else is doing on here to get responses and meet people but it seems like I'm just not what people want.

Don't mind traveling. Nerd girls are horny! Love to sex fun a little ice cream women Ottawa on your tits and lick it off, maybe you want me to be ;) but i want a paypig who will do anything i say and i can treat you to pictures and videos of me, if u deserve it ;).
Married but wanting to have fun! Big dicks tight pussy in Mount Holly. Looking to have sensual fun with a fit and attractive lady. Completely judgement free here. Men, i appreciate the interest women Ottawa but i am also okay with getting right to the fun stuff(if you know what Im saying).

Don't worry about the cosmetic brushes all I do is swirl them around your body including the breasts and your pussy but not inside.

Ideal person would be between 25 and 45. I'm an amazing lover I've just never had the feelings return.

Im easy going and very laid back I dont take myself too seriously and love lots of banter.

Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.