I'm a easy going bisexual male that loves pleasing Men and Women. Sex buddy in Indio. You swinger fucking

Im adventurous motivated and determined. Message me if you want more pics.. We are looking for the company of an older woman or couple. I like sexy Asian woman Hispanic women juicy thighs. I live in Reisterstown maryland I'm only in johnstown PA for a short time.
Love to have fun doing anything. Allo tout le monde je suis ici par curiositet on verra ce que je trouveraihi everybody im here to have some fun im open mind and im bismile. I also enjoy traveling and meeting new people.
Pretty open to any fantasys/fetishes so if you have any please share and maybe we can hook up i luv eating pussy and I'm open to pretty much anything. Need someone to put me in my place hopefully long-term and somewhat close. Currently kicked back and waiting on the first round of divorces.
Your rules and boundaries will be adhered to without question. ( Just make sure you want to know anything else ask Hello, I'm Elizabeth and I'm Andrew Presgrave's ill girlfriend.
If you're into a fun, no-drama adventure, hit me up! Nude regular looking women. Looking for a casual, no-strings-attached relationship. Makes it mysterious. Not asking for anything I am not willing to share.

I am sensitive, emotional, extremely romantic, outgoing, friendly easy to get to know and pass no judgment.

Never hurts to say hi, never know where things may go. Love threesomes and DL encounters. Am looking for some fun so as long as you have good hygiene and take care of your appearance, then that's ok with me.
I'm looking for Indio FWB with a hard stiff dick. Drugs are bad, m'kay? Adult clubs in Dalton, Georgia this year.

My partner is open to many things. Looking to meet date and more. Happy, humble and handsome.... I have alot of sexual chemistry with to explore our sexual side and have a good sense of homour.

Everyone says that, but I really am. I especially love giving sensual and sexual massages.
I would prefer ongoing friendships but I'm not against a one nighter either. Looking for new friends and Love getting a good rub down. Willing to travel on the Indio weekends.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.