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Will travel to where you are or location near you (your preference). Ideally I'd like to build some depth and really get to know people, but also happy to meet you where you're at if you'd prefer to keep things casual. Hi Im looking for lots of fun, If this is you and you want to know leave me a msg :).

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On here to see and be seen, maybe gain a little confidence and enjoy the beauty that is the human body and soul. At 37 years old I want to experiment and have a good time with chill people.
Kind, respectful, easy going, gentle man looking to pleasure your needs,I like to give and receive oral is a plus. Honestly I respect boundaries and try to be considerate toward others. I am not really looking for ONS because I believe you need an emotional connection for great sex.. Theres nothing sexier than knowing what you want...and going after it.NO DRAMA.Turnson include proper grammar and punctuation. I'm a no female looking for friends with benefits (to play with as a couple). But still don't feel as if I'm truly myself. Gypsies hot naked.
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