I'm poly and libertine; looking for new connections. Clinton, NJ nude girls. Mature swinger masturbation

Like smoking/drinking down to have fun and dtf. Im simply Me! My first time on the site so have no expectations currently. I enjoy light bondage, playing with toys, spanking.. Some people have said I ruined them for other guys.. If you have any questions at all please ask.

I am hoping to find a sexually driven and adventurous woman or straight couple for ongoing playdates. Hence, here I am. Just out of a relationship n want to try something new ;).

Kink friendly, not picky and have tight never been used butt.
Very different. I am 49 years old, 5 foot 9 inches 220, thick below, good stamina and love, love to give oral. I honestly don't know what to say about my self i am just me. Someone who loves to have fun and needs a little more excitement to my everyday life.
Would like to find females or couples to play with both in and out of the ordinary to hold my interest lol. PLEASE if you have no pictures, don't clog my inbox.
I want to pleasure you with my mouth slowly and sensually.
For me, it must never be about the looks. I'm gay not Bi. I like Clinton, NJ disc golfing, hicking, moutian biking, and motorcycles.
I smile alot. I love smart women in small packages, preference toward the well rounded than the super slim.
Ninety yr women having fuck with yong. I'm a smart ass.
Not looking for a 3-some or swinging, but rather just a very close and personal connection to fulfill each other's wants, needs, interests and desires.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sex, but I want us to be great Clinton, NJ friends and be great sex partners also. I enjoy a good power exchange in the bedroom, rendering me a submissive little slut. Looking for someone fun and respectful to enjoy time with.

I am an easy going guy who loves to have a laugh and once you get to know me probs a bit on the short side. Looking for a SEX friend to hook up with kinkier the better. Let's embark on a journey of getting to know each other beyond the surface and see if we click on a deeper level. Am learning about the kinky stuff as I go. I'm a very generous person that is an optimist that sees the glass as half full and filling.

Here to connect with similar mentality friends and experiences.

I'm well endowed! They are unable to provide the intellect and lifestyle I crave. With the right woman who wants it, I love to let my hair down lol. Say hi sometime! No, I don't want money, gifts, or to be pampered.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.