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I'm in a long-term relationship and don't really plan to get out of it.

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Love to tan. Mackay personal ads! Just a guy willing to explore his sexuality, nothing too complicated! I am very involved in the Montreal Fetish scene and into bdsm.
Can always host, but more than happy to take any tips or suggestions with plant care! I'm down to earth, respectful and honest.
Some might call me a southern gentleman. Someone who's positive about life, fun, likes eating out and staying in, interested in a more casual relationship than a serious one (though who can say what might happen). I`m Attracted to most Lady`s.
Perhaps you need some companionship. I don't know if I am a Girl of Your Dreams, but we can find out, right?
A Dinner andor swinger clubs drinks may be included. Only fuck sexy. I'm looking for some sexy people for some casual sex and that's about it. I am not looking for anything long term, as I am in a suit.

With the situation of the covid pandemic,i am ONLY interested in women living IN New Zealand not overseas.Looking for love and relationship with a bisexual lady that is simple,casual,laidback,open minded,braless,shaven/waxed. I like long walks swinger clubs in the park and enjoy the beauty of our nature.

Im thrives on change and variety in his social life.
And i'm always up for sex with women, i can be either top or bottom. Fresh in town and is ready to do whatever you want dominant or submissive anything kinky u can think of I can fulfil them for you. I prefer (lots of partying) when I'm involved in sexual encounters.. Work full time and study part time with little time between.
I'm looking for a woman who may be in a similar situation to play hard with. Single stoner super curious on expanding my sexual horizons :0, but looking to have fun enjoy my self and possible please others, don't ask what the tongue can do you'll have swinger clubs to find out for your self, love giving oral, rough kink is definitely fun.

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Been Married 2x, maybe it's me, but I don't cheat and lie, so pretty sure it's not. MUST LOVE TO DANCE.
Looking for a slut to rock my world. As I get tested every 6 months and I can confirm I am clean. Real matures fuck old.

I'm originally from West Palm Beach, FL but I now live in Port Saint Lucie, FL. Tip 50 c01ns for chat..but it is what it is. New to Vegas.

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