I am a BBM who likes to have a new friend. Horny older women in Pelion, SC. Nude sexy girls boobs

Hello there ,before you look at photos or vids of me im going to repeat this 3 times so people can understand what kind of woman i like, women have standards of Pelion, SC their own,some love bbc,muscle men,long dongers,etc and i get that,me i love PLUMP TO BIG WOMEN, now if you are NOT IN THAT CATEGORY, DONT LEAVE A FLIRT,DONT HOTLIST,JUST DONT.im not interested and wont reply or flirt back,your chance is 0.000 now for those women i do like,goes plump to ssbbw and obese, i love everything, they are beautiful, sexy and when it comes to intimate themes I'm up to par, we just need to know the basics!

I am a pleaser. Hiya i am a submissive girl from seqld and I love older ladies.

Someone who has goals expectations and is understanding is 50 50 not just one sided I help you you help me.

Girls myself sucking.

Must be a good kisser, I love oral giving and receiving.
I enjoy being wined and dinned, prefer hotels over camping, love coffee and live to travel! In general, I believe that inner beauty is the most essential thing in a person, besides, it is eternal. I want to feel like being happy! STDs etc no no sex normally ever a bit bi labeled as a gay by jerks instead mainly only into girls but slept with a few guys cause no good options to screw never did much in bed a very very little Christian Catholic not into pros or street walkers if looking for that good bye move on I only pay for dates and pay attention to the woman I'm with.

I'd like a distinguished gentleman who values authenticity and the allure of desire takes center stage.

Looking to meet new people and have a good time in and out of bedroom.
FWB would be ideal but getting close to someone is really nice too. But I know what I enjoy and I also love to explore new things.
5'11, 54 years old athletic buit.masculine and athletic. Safety and discretion an absolute must. Adult personal final.
Foreplay is where its at! An emotional, positive man with a desire to find connections and share good moments. Lets have some fun!!
We are looking around to see who and what is on these sites so we might be able to find someone ;).
Hey, Im Freye, Or you can just call me Gray like my friends do! Hot woman in Reno. Fck buddy no strings fun. For the most part I'm just a nice, easy going, helpful guy. I'm pretty easy to get along with, but I know what I want so let me know what you want or need.
Someone who is ooen to explore new things. Live in Yuma but occasionally travel to Phoenix and Vegas.

Cannot be scared of intentional physical contact been told I give safe arm hugs. In a happy & committed ENM relationship.

Dripping slits female cum! It's my way of recv personal satisfaction, not saying can't perform, just really love giving that special attention.

The wetter the better; squirters head of the line!

FYI if your opening line is about sex I will not respond.

I expect you to be too.
Would like to meet someone where there is great chemistry for relaxed fun and great communication. Don't have a membership so can't see messages unless you pay that extra fee to where standard members can talk to you!
If I were to see you while I was out and about and you were very nice to me I might just let you join in the fun.
I want someone sensual who likes affection, sex and being all loved up.
Wild kinky freaky and fun who loves to give and receive oral. Ideally I'd like to find LTR but open to whatever organically happens. Hi I'm a young at heart and in body 50 something looking for some new adult adventures with like minded ladies or couples. Old pussy married. I am educated, but do not let that stop you from wanting to get to know me and you'll have no regrets And Thank you for hotlisting me..
While random sex is fun, I prefer a more meaningful connection. Im a man who knows my worth and value and I AM THAT DAMN GOOD!
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.