To Talk, flirt, drinks, dinner, friendship, and some fun ;). Crescent City personal ads. 60 year old swinger date site

I am not what you would call a giver not a tacker, (so therefore) I'm eager to do the things that bring pleasure and happynes to the ono that I'm weth,(because that is what makes me happy) I can treet you like a lady or a bad littel girl that needs to be punished. We decided to create our own "temptation island experience" :o) We both are seeing other people, but for a reason, that cool reason is to find out what I'm like instead of stating it here?? My friends say I am one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Aroostook hot chicks. But who knows? Trans-Masc Dom looking for a sub to play with and possibly train in Shibari and Kajira. I have standards for the way others treat me and respect my boundaries.
I ask that you just be respectful, honest and true.

I also like to drink and party when involved in sexual encounters I like to give as much pleasurer as I get. Not limited to just sex.

In the couple partnership i am affectionate and romantic, friend and confident. Is straight and married or divorced. Some of my favorite spots are the Keys, Orlando, Tampa, Clearwater Beach, Miami, Jupiter, and Atlanta.
Someone comfortable with the beauty she possesses and is positive and vibrant.. Too tree won. Women looking for good time.
I'm a very sexually open person who wants tomy hubby to watch me have fun with another man.
Getting out of a long term relationship and more. Fairly simple guy looking to get into all kinds of trouble.
Any questions, just ask me. Im a honest head strong type of gal. I like to be hands on all that if you're not looking for that don't waste my time. I want to hear about how good you can make me feel wanted.
I understand and respect people's need for discretion and will do whatever I tell her. Looking for some fun Crescent City and play with no strings attached!
A little romance Crescent City and firmness of conviction, mind. Bi women and Bi men are my preference.
I like when my partner tells me what they like and want in the bedroom.
Nude girls in Waurika, OK.
Fun out going house edm bar life and gym life. Into just about Crescent City anything when in the right mood. Taking it one day at a time and would just like to meet new people exciting maybe go on a date.

I'm 45, open-minded.

I can host most nights and weekends and I'm willing to meet on short notice if the circumstances are right. Very reseptive to communicating peoples likes and limits to ensure everyone enjoys there time, and perfer the same. Will only meet up if u can ft verify!!! Very clean, drug and disease free.
Must be honest and trustworthy.someone who is a passionate lover. It doesn't matter how you look as long as you have a pulse and what to get it racing, you are good for me.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.