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Looking for a young muscular macho, tall, fit, big cock. Well I would like an attractive woman, not necessarily a specific age but maybe 21-50...? I will admit I'm not entirely tolerant of those who don't communicate well. Hit us up if you are interested.
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I have been on the site personal ad for several weeks. Communication-->Connection-->Hotter sex!! Looking for a woman to explore and share our deepest desires. And I Need To Watch Porn. Edmonton swingers club for girls.
Yes my family owns a Thai Restaurant and yes I am a big teddy bear, I hope I get to meet someone special on here. A confidant woman. Single good looking guy. Divorced pleaser, looking to just have fun times in the bedroom.
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I like living it up.
I would, however, like to have a woman that is more dominate than me to just take charge and use me as she will....but that's not a deal breaker. I get off knowing that I'm making anyone feel as good as possible and will do just about anything to make you squirm, scream, and have multiple orgasms everytime I see you because your pleasure is my priority.

Who would enjoy being physically pampered.. Preferably one that lives close by and can hold a conversation.

Hi im looking for someone who is looking to have fun I have been though a lot. Age doesn't matter for me because I want to be with a dom women.
Two people hook up together 'it all just clicks and feels rite' and they morph' together as one'. Que sea muy carioso amoroso detallista que le guste mucho el sexo.
Big black boothy women. I am new to the city and looking to meet some new people who seem to have their mind stuck in the same gutter as mine. With that said I also know there is no cookie cutter man and we are all human, reach out to me and you can insure that Im never going to make you feel down or less than.
Ciao steph. Puyallup discreet sex. I'm looking for a man that wants an exclusive affair/lover! Married sub. LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN - VISITING ACT FAST!
Have fun and hope to hear from new friends soon! Looking for NSA meetings with mature men.

Open minded and up for just about anything.

In an open relationship, have high sexual appetite. Love to travel and try new things..
Also looking for people to chat with. If you have to ask yourself if you are above average, then you're not who we are looking for.
I work long hours but know when to be serious...recently relocated to Jax Florida and in need of friends and ?LOL so c'mon an maybe we will be sooo good together why chance missing out on finding the 'one meant for you'? Non pushy person would be great as well. Sext me joey good.
Love oral...LOVE IT!!!
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.