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My name is violet and I want you to come over. Couple with indo Caribbean background here. Sex is only but a nature of life, so learn to vibe with me why dont ya.
In an ideal world I'd meet that ONE FWB, for longterm fun. I don't want to waste your time or mine. Ive been in the lifestyle since 2020. If you're open to it message me. This is the first time in my life where I feel i can give into my sexual urges without fear of judgement.
I just moved back to the suburbs after living in the city. I'm an college-educated Latino, very open mind, fond to seduction game, kissing, and enjoying long-lasting sessions. I am not cheating. Straight single dad looking to play with another Greeneville, TN women but if there is a couple interested boundaries would have to be in place. I would like to make friends and chat. My hobbies are: reading, music, movie, exhibitions, history, cooking, traveling, hiking, sewing. Find woman in Denver looking for free uninhibited sex.
I wouldn't say i have a type but a good personality, humour and conversation is a must! I have wanted to know what it would be like to make love to a women.
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Possibly I can eat u, I mean meet u!!!! Regular FWB, let's hangout, live music, and sports, road trips. A fun-loving crazy guy with a kind heart. Single Male with great stamina /ladies men that wants to have fun. I'm a very easy going guy. I am looking for NSA, positive, discreet encounters.
Those are my priorities. I'm looking for horny singles,couples or groups.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.