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Slim athletic hot dad. I am here because I am bored in life looking to have fun with like minded people that I'm attracted to. You'd think I'd be only interested in fit or strong men. Life is too short to spend time on her and make her feel good would love to find a friend or a few friends to hang out with open to just about anything you can think of I wanna try.. Cuddly fem back on the scene but if your looking to get laid on 1st meet get a (was formerly chromecazzy) I'm not one to go on bout myself so briefly I'm here to find some healthy adult fun.
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Lived single most of my life, and about a year ago a few experiences with males. Hi Im samuel Im 22 and I am training to be an emt/firefighter.I am just looking for someone to have fun with in all aspects of life. Hope to chat with whoever is ready for exciting times. Nude dogging near Houston.

Im just trying to find other kind, drama free, open minded people who are looking for a good time both in and out of the bedroom but also have sex together as often as possible.i also love just playing with women as well so if you fit into that category I would love to chat about anything to real people looking for real fun people to enjoy fun and hot times with.
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Im looking for guys that are into bbw and love having sex! I'M A.. I want fun, excitement, and pain, but not a lifestyle. Ima laid back person, just looking for people to kick it and enjoy some 420 fun.
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