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21 and from Sydney.
Its more about the personality than the body...
Maybe someone is looking for the same thing. Very good at being bad.. Like to snow ski and enjoy the mtns. Shoot me a message and we will go from there.

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Im pretty chill for what ever. I get along with just about everyone.Im just looking to see what's out there and meet new people. I consider myself an intellectual/adventurous person and I love to make a woman come just with my tongue and mouth.
I need the feel of another human being as well as the company of.... I was going to N.A.U.in M.P.L.S.
I am tight and would want anyone to be sure to go slowly and BE GENTLE at first. Chemistry is important so please be a cool, sexy, intelligent, clean GENTLEMAN with the ability to hold a conversation. Most people can't or wont read this profile so I will try to to be short. Female nude women.
Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. I'm partnered, looking for fun, friends, or perhaps a casual/comet type relationship.
I am 42 years old and looking to meet any ladies who are out for some fun. Why else would I be on this site? I believe that a good connection and the vibe between two people makes it better. Looking for an older women (ie a real woman) to show me how to have a laugh and not be too serious.
Looking forward to meeting new people and having a few drinks..

Just looking for someone who isnt looking for a relationship. Active athletic gal, who loves endorphins. I am newly returned to the DFW area and not looking for any drama or strings..Any couples who can help me experience my first 3some. Very old pussy in Suffolk, VA that want to screw a bed room.

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I am looking forward to meeting you, my beloved man. Someone in a similar situation for online chat leading to discreet meets. Hiya Im Manchester not sure what to make of this app someone told me to check it out so just seeing whats out there, in uni i walk and look after dogs and love to travel and explore exotic places. 6 ft 2, 23 years old and really looking to see people that wanna just have fun and get to know each other. I'm fun-loving, handsome,intelligent and well traveled. Sexy and funny to the front of the line, but I'll suck all cummers.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.