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Regular meets would be good, get to know each others kinks and push the boundaries. If this is your first time and you like the sound of that or me drop me a message.
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The first one was ok but lacked something. New to being single after 14 year relationship looking to meet some nice ladies out there. Total gentleman with a filthy mind. Our House!
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Could be a combination of the two. My ideal person is someone I can get to know over time and explore my sexuality, but I am not all that picky. I'm very open and honest person. Not looking for a relationship at this time.

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Finer things are just the fruit of hard work, and I enjoy sharing the finer things of life with others. Eygenia manolidou fuck. Couples or singles. I wish they would let me edit this typo but they charge free phone sex to do it. Ok guys let's not fuck around any more. No drama tolerated!
I am looking forward to meeting some new interesting woman with same interests as me. I like a man who takes control of me and the situation,talk dirty to me,suck on my tits a lot and fuck me hard.That turns me on. I don't work out, I work outside. 5'8 hazel eyes... I am naturally dominant and am experienced in various kinks.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.