Here's to new friends and new experiences. Swingers club Dubois PA. Swingers dare campus student

I reciprocate to Kindness and Honest intent. 47 yrs old, married, not looking to change my situation I'm just looking to meet new people and new experiences fun outgoing and open minded. My name is kevin! Or just man on man time!
Live in San Diego, CA, USA and can host at my place.
I like the theatre , though I had to fight falling asleep on Mousetrap, and almost spend the whole time distracted, people watching, on Chicago. Shemales with married women. Petite, open minded and looking for fun and adventures with single women or cpls.
Ready for someone it entertain Dubois PA each other a few days a week. Would love to meet up for some fun! Meeting just some of what I want is not enough. Somewhere in time and space....... I have made women cum and even squirt using just the energy and power of my voice.

Don't have upgraded membership contact my hangouts or email me at hdcally at the g.

Mostly into hj and bj. Someone who I can have fun with and enjoy life. -Sex in public spaces.
Divorced for a few years and looking for some fun now.

Very difficult to generate a conversation on here, must be missing something. Looking for an emotionally mature and mentally stable regular playmate to add to our fun. I will get round to a proper profile soon. Not into time wasters, if you're not serious for a serious relationship at the moment; just a good time for a long time..

Hey y'all, my name is Mike. I love having my ass ate. Just strolling through and looking for now.
NSMT is usually a great time if you've never been....2) Someone interested in meeting/hanging out at my place for end of day company with dinner, drinks, conversation, and some quality couch time enjoying a show or movie and then if things go well maybe each other. If you wanna chat and find out more. I dont drink, so I'm not a bar person. Sounds like you hit me up. Hot nude vagin pack. Mainly looking for other women, chill couples, and new adventures with cool people.
I am definitely into kinks, and have been since the woman who was my first, she turned out to be flakes. Age isn't a concern for me; I'm more interested in genuine connections. Someone who respects the act of intimacy and vulnerability but who also knows how to have fun Dubois PA and a semi-regular partner(s).
Just passing thru.. I am looking for discrete fun with someone who is looking for a Friend or a Friend with Benefits.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.