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Im lookin for Maybe something casual or well see where it goes.
Someone who is also colorblind. Tried other sites so here I go with this one, will see what develops. I like people but I like my own space too. I am not very big, less than 4" but welcome all sizes and shapes of men for fun!

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Hi I like tto go hunting fishing riding my 4 wheeler. I am a basic member here so I don't even get to read my messages.

I also love role play where I show up to drop off a package or play doctor lolLove a gril who knows how to take charge without being mRan. All others apply within.. I love my face, because I always keep my innocence despite the time.
Louis, MO area. Former Minot, ND military looking for some casual fun with someone who enjoys a good time and is looking for some fun..let's chat. Looking for different and hot. Hiya Everybody that checked me out:) I'm a cool lad originally from London, love sport footy golf tennis running, bit shy but a great conversationalist when I'm comfortable with a per.have a go and check me out or message me. Its about you and thats what I love.
Looking to make new friends and have some fun I'm very open minded and Minot, ND always up for a adventure. Looking to find a woman with no stress. If you think you can fill those desires for me I'll gladly pay ! Interested parties must have photos and we will exchange more with you if we are interested or not. Someone who is loving and wants to be in a relationship where the communication is great and we can work through all of the minor details. Married need personal time to exercise.
Ideally someone local. I want a long term fwb.

I'm a very laid back go with the flow type individual Looking for disease free fun. Down to earth and love being submissive. If you are interested in knowing more, just ask.

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No I am not bi. I am an educated professional straight male that enjoys all types of fun inside and outside the bedroom. Must be attractive both personally and physically. I like men who are between 30-70 and looking for some private fun. I am semi-retired with my faithful friend my Dasher.

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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.