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Happy to chat to see if we are comfortable with each other in communication - I will make efforts to keep this connection, you do not need to brag about my conquests, and I would hope as man, you wouldn't either. Hi my wife and I have had a lot of bad in my life lately, and looking for something positive. Naked hourglass figures. I'm looking for someone close to or as perverted and twisted as me but also with a good and loving heart. Find me here or on.

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Gets me so HOT!! Just looking for casual adult fun. Someone that can keep up!! After spending time trying to take care of myself..in the gym 5x-wk,, been workin with a couple trainers....don't think i look to bad ithe mirror... My problem is Im not sure where Norcross, GA to find it. I am straight but have some experience joining couples.
I'm an avid marathon runner and love the outdoors and sports, playing pool or just relaxing at home on the lounge with a good dvd or a night dining out an some of Mackay's great restaraunts. Hemingway and AE Hotchner said I was queer, but what do they know? Hotsex real couple!
I'm a bottom/brat. Single, laid back, bi male looking for Norcross, GA fun adventures with new friends.
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