Just looking for something short and sweet ;). Kansas City soft swinging. Milfs looking to fuck country man

Sky's the limit with us. I'm non-judgmental and not a nutjob so I hope to hear from you soon thanks. Swingers of Farmington, NM. I am Black Man who loves sex, I'm interested in (short-term or long term relationships). On here looking for Kansas City friendship or maybe even an addition to my marriage.
Married and looking for single women, couples, or couples of male and female. I could either sub or dom whichever you desire! Otherwise I will inadvertently offend you and that would suck for both of us..I'm highly sexually driven, but there has to be more than just a one time visit to my magic kingdom. I'm not shy I don't mind being watched, Photographed or Videotaped. Bonus points if you're a ginger, blonde, or have tattoos (especially Norse Kansas City or Celtic ones).
We are a happily married couple of 28 years, together for 33. I am a positive and loving woman in general. We are interested in meeting singles or couples looking to meet up, enjoy dinner, drinks and a night in or a night out and love to have fun. Im 51 Iabsolutely love to give sensual massages. So much pressure to be charming and witty in the space of the text box. All I can say is...

Mainly wanting fun Kansas City conversations and being curious about what things you are into. I am opened minded to anything. I love to play, chat, and laugh. Only really been exploring sex in the last few years.

Im hopefully lookin for a casual friendship with me and see where it leads. Woman put thing inside her.
Relaxed easy going Single great Kansas City company. 18-40 sociable confident open minded discreet.
I love oral as well..
Massage maadi female.
If you live in a bubble you are not for me.

Experienced Dom that has a lot of experience training submissive women. Whether it's having some drinks and fun flirty conversation that will hopefully lead to some hot memorable times and new friends. Im looking for local and preferably close to my age plz.

Im looking to meet similar for chat and laughs and fun.
If you're married your wife joins us or don't waste our time as it's the one thing we're all running out of. I'm rather easy going and will only take control of our direction if you want me to reply.
Looking to share some fun with a beautiful and intelligent woman or couple. Black women from Selma, California.
I am somewhat sapiosexual = Intelligence turns me on.
Let's see what happens.. I I have very little free time to be naughty and it often has to be spontaneous. Great lookihg pussie.
Very sociable and usually quick witted. I love meeting new people and am looking to make new friends maybe sex buddy in austin tx if wanna meet me n have fun. I live for the adventure in life: I want my life to change.
If you dont understand that, move on. FWB and/or couple situation interested.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.