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Oh seriously? Im eager to please and ready for a relationship. Name is Stephen and Im just lokin for fun if u can help hmu not paying for this. Phone numbers in Vermont VT.

I love intimacy , but am more interested in giving than getting and would like to think of myself as fairly good looking. Love sex outside and in public, if you can get away with in reason No drama here please be discreet If you can't message me, then send a flirt if you are close ill message you. BBC, thick and can go deep enough and stand long to make you shout out daddy.

But I'll get to you eventually. I'm strictly BBC, have been for over a decade, and my mind won't be changed by any words or pics sent. My ideal Vancouver, BC person is someone who has clear and high goals. I'm the type that makes sure you have a good time by providing the attention you may desire aswell as the praise for God's beautiful creation known to man as the female anatomy.

Tell me what you like, we could be doing it right now!

Getting a little lonley.
For Myself and Daddy to play with.

I just got out of one so not trying to get in the mix.

I'm a tall, athletic entrepreneur standing at 6'6", who's pretty deft at navigating both the business world and a volleyball court.
When I can make another guy or girl cum is what gets me off. BBW with an itch I can't Vancouver, BC scratch. In an ideal world lol. I am sure that you have already found this about two hundred times in all the other profiles.
Looking for someone not afraid of a lot of intimacy and quality company. A mature, genuine man who is ready to go all way out to satisfy is mistress, A true sub that displease himself just to make sure the demands of his maters are fulfil and i can assure you will be getting the best training possible molding you into a perfect slave desirable for any mistress. Someone that may be willing to have sex a couple of days a week with no strings. Ready to try to find someone for fun and to make friends, please no time wasters. Im a single woman looking for a couple to have some fun without complicating it. Is Loyal, Honest, and Real.
Even in just brief encounters, i respect the woman, and do not see her as just being a piece of ass, or a sex object. They drive four-door sedans or mini-vans to take the s to sporting events.

Emails from single guys trying to cheat on their SO will be deleted. If I choose my soul mate, then I will respect my choice just Vancouver, BC as I respect myself.

Good looking guy, seeking safe bi curious fun on occasion. Divorced male is seeking an attractive woman for some NSA fun.
Not saying I won't share, but it will take someone pretty spectacular to have me open up right away. Women need sex too shemale take on xxx cams. Not keen on tattoo's piercings or facial hair. I'm looking cut casual hookups and one night stands and threesome.
I am very passionate and love to be used like a lil slut. I'm an introvert and homebody, so I don't go out much on my own.
I need nothing materially but am constantly needing/wanting physical contact with other people.
Kinda like we fell outta the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Love people with imaginations as wild as mine.
If you have lied on your profile or are: 50+ plus, overweight, not shaven - not interested. Just a fulltime single Dad, not here for for jokes. Looking for a fit attractive lady that wants to explore and have some fun. See attached pics. Or......someone who likes me. Clean shaved not Vanilla.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.