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I have read about people finding what they have dreamed of. Just happy to chat and see where it goes...presently putting hardwood floors and a whirlpool in the master bedroom...stay tuned! If you are such I am looking forward to continuing this wildly adventurous global exploration with you if you are interested in hanging out with me. Rather, we are here to have a value addition which is not mandatory at all but very nice to have. I don't like booty calls though...I like to be interested in each other a bit, if that makes sense. Swingers list for 55 and up getting fucked in crazy ways.
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Im not playing at this time. What is the Maori name for New Zealand?). Men looking for phone sex no string. Looking for a mature woman that wants their pussy eaten.
I write music and play an instrument. Someone that is kind, funny, with a good personality. I would like to meet an honest, reliable, sincere, kind, caring and loving man. The estate a crossdresser enjoy wiith couple.

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Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.