I am ready to explore fantasies with you and am open to trying new things. Looking for sex in Brevard, NC. Swingers nude sailing

Nice guy looking for fun and maybe LTR with the right person.
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I have been in Brevard, NC measured and not found wanting according to previous partners.
Also, I am not full of drama or problems. Clean professional and polite very important.

Hey it's alex and foxxy were a couple in phx az and were looking for either a couple or a bi lady. Sex erotic funny! We have been together for 8 years and married for five. I can try anything new.

Will appreciate your circumstances and privacy or intimate details meet up for in Brevard, NC adult relief or your fantasies played out if your looking for big cock thats not me so good luck, Married or just curious want to try something please let me know just be open and honest. The womans pleasure is the focus and will always cum first or multiple times before myself if at all, I'm there to enjoy your company and my pleasure comes from you being taken care of, Ideally would love to hang out first shoot the shit go on adventures and learn each others turn ons and such, very respectful and rarely if ever do I make the first move hence I need a take control kind of woman.
I'm a certified freak with a lot of banter and of course a big dose of humor thrown in. I am in a relation ship and want my boyfriend to live out a smLl fantasy of being with a Master! My ideal woman is witty, smart, has a little bit of an acerbic sense of humor but can be sweet and loving at the same time.
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She would like to play with a big breasted woman like herself.

Trustworthy, can take charge of deciding what we'll do when together and doesn't take everything personal. Executive women masturbating. In Dayton until next Saturday!

I'm no sucker. Long boring relationship made me forget how much fun life can be when you are open and willing.
Listening to Teddy Pendergrast or Gregory Porter tracks and have orgasms that make me shake all over. Intelligent, hardworking and love living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment.
I love a daytime delight! Already have someone in my life. I want a person who is nice to me. If the emotional connections are there for in Brevard, NC the both of us, then the possibilities are endless. I am looking for a girl to date with since I am bored with my marriage.
Come fuck me out of my mysery :) If you good at sucking thats a bonus!! Meet n fuck only cell numbers for bi wife. I am adventurous and open minded. I travel a lot, but dont get to meet as many new people as Id like (ok, I meet a lot of people, but not as Id like).
Probably you, lets chat! Im on here for a reason. Discreet military wives. Just have good hygiene. Ask me??? NO FT/ VIDEO CHAT, NO MEET!!! Stop laughing..
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.