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Works hard and plays harder life is to short not too. Im looking for STRAIGHT HETEROSEXUAL GENETIC born XY men only, straight men do not suck dick ever, NOT LOOKING FOR COUPLES NOR DO I WANT TO BE IN YOUR MENAGE TROIS unless its two straight dudes..maybe. I want to be that guy that you hit up when you have some free alone time for a FWB.
I am flexible with travelling. Just a guy looking for some fun with in Wallingford my wife and I. Likes older music especially country.
Even if they don't feel comfortable with themselves being naked at first. I like a man who can handle a women with meat on her bones who is shy and likes to step out of that zone and try some nice cock and show me some things. I have a decent stamina level and can enjoy long encounters as well as having several in a night. Hot boobs nude. Not into long chats and time wasters just want to meet and have experiences with you ladies.
I don't want one n done. I have been seeking a partner who would enjoy safely exploring bondage play.

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Take a little of your time and try to get to know new people to the point where they possibly become new partner(s)..
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Want to tie me up and see if our needs match. I also find it essential that both of us finish so please let me know what you want, or what I can do for you, not what you can do for me. I'm looking for someone to please a pleasure to have exotic fantasies with enjoy kiss lick and suck can have massive orgasmic looking for someone to have fun with on the side. I'm looking for a person or couple that likes to have fun, sense of passion.

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