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I'm a big boiii n train like a beast day in day out. Like you, I'm 100% disease free and on the DL.
This person can not take themselves to seriously 100% of the time...but understands the balance between partying and being responsible! I'm not going to babble on what I can and cant do, we will see what cums up;} Please please have a photo if not on your profile then one you can send me later. I am a hardworking lady that likes to wine and dine or just me cooking for you im like most males would like some fun but if things work out would like a lady in my life to share the good times and bad just message me if you're interested.
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I swear I'm just as awkward in real life. Should be ok with or into playing with other females well as trans women. I believe in commitment, loyalty and true love u hear about in fairy tales. Girls nude italian fhotos. Im married and looking for at Third or couple to have fun.
I want some sort of feelings before meeting , Do not directly ask me for sex , Looking for someone that we can be happy together! Not looking for anything life changing but definitely life enhancing. Hi i am male 64 years old living and working in Cork City in S Ireland. Hello my name is Nairobi and I am very happy to meet you and to be able to share with you, I hope we will be great friends, spend amazing moments and see many sunrises together. I'm looking club in Minnesota for a partner in the truest sense of the word. Hi, Im single and so horny!
Kinda looking for a daddy dom vibe. A man who knows how to have fun and can communicate and be sexy and like strap and tongue.

This condition has slowly reduced her sex drive and made sex painful for her. I am 6ft 1, 200lbs, white with a great sense of humor.

Need older men for my kink ;). Local grown.
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I am so very attracted to femininity in all it's forms. I'm kinda shy until I get to know you better I like sightseeing being outdoors and being on the water I also love history and reading in my alone time and I am a hopeless romantic Also passionate Lets be friends and see where it goes.I can't answer any messages unless you make it possible.
I am looking for someone that 1 will love me 2 will show me endless amount of affection and attention and 3 give me reassure when I start to overthink. I have permission from my partner but still need discretion.
Just wanna have fun, no drama! Honest looking for club Minnesota a genuine man.

Seeking African guy or background.

Fuck me hard and fill me up! Single no work alot smoke a lot of weed. Im a walking contradiction - equal parts spontaneous adventurer and Netflix aficionado. I don't fear human but always stay careful and that is why I am poly. But half crazy woman is fantastic!! Someone I can release My demons with..Mostly I want a REAL..
If interested send me a message I'll try to get back to you, message me your phone number. Whether that's meet in public and it just turns into a good time or a friends with benefit situation...or even just a one time deal. I'm a girl. Nude women from Barry, IL.
Searching for greater depth.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.