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I'm looking for a lady who is looking to have a male sub/slave. Looking for BBW sex clubs on Guam. 28 lookin for some fun or whatever you wanna throw my way. Not looking to change your near Noblesville lifestyle or your life at this moment.
Someone hows looking for friends and to build something down the line, i think being friends with someone is very important esp if you want a relationship down the road that way you already know the person. In general, I am gentle and housewifely, kind, not prone to conflicts, with a sense of humor, discreet,...and safe. Anything can happen and on here it does. I'm an open-minded, hardworking lady who believes in making the most out of life's adventures. I am looking for BIG DICKS ONLY!!!!!!, No time to play with you little boyz. Girls in MI. Hungry to explore and happy to share.

I could be a gentleman or a bull, or both at the same time. Someone or someone's who are looking for what I describe above. Please note that Beth does not meet alone!

I'm a nice guy and I just moved down to Milwaukee. I love to give my partner a great time in the bedroom.
Love big people, love clean people, non-smoking is a plus.

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Loves adventures and anything that gets my adrenaline going.
Also enjoy live music eating out movies plays and art galleries occasionally. I believe that life is an adventure, and I'm always seeking new experiences and connections.
Recently opened marriage and exploring ENM. Very nice fucking. Of course Noblesville safety is everything, so do not worry. I am a per who loves to have sex more then twice a day someone who i can have fun with as well as regular play. Grow up! I'm still recovering from my last relationship so nothing serious for me yet. Discovering anime one series at a time.
We are a fun loving caring open-minded friendly clean couple near Noblesville looking for a woman who is out going fun adventurous.
If u want to know more all you have to do is respond, wheather u want to have fun or see if something can grow from the physical, I'm game. I'm a fit and energetic soul with a kind heart. ;) I'm tall, dark, and handsome, (and apparently also cliche from time to time...) 6'4" 235#.
Hoping to find someone who enjoys being outside, especially when the weather warms up, as I'm not really a winter person, but that wasn't a deciding factor. Shag first, ask questions later ! Busines owners milfs.
So i'm just trying to live a little. Daily motion naked girl. Like to meet up and see if we vibe! I have 2 grown up s, 1 lives with me and the wife.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.