I'm just an average guy who likes sports, spending time with friends and family. Santa Rosa, CA mature swinger clubs

Looking for a fellow physical scientist to help with an experiment to send a rocket and a canoe to space. Fatgirls pissing on submissive men. So recently widowed....testing the waters for the first time so be gentle and can be open to new things.

We are in an ENM/Open relationship and the male half is looking for a female FWB to hang out, relax, and get naked with. Im looking for new stuff i got 2 so i can meet in my spare time I identify as a freak with tattoos the obvious piercing and a split tongue. Being a submissive allows me to let go of my vanilla responsibilities and follow someone's Santa Rosa, CA lead. Want hot sex.

So I stay in good shape, but not muscle bound by any means. Love Santa Rosa, CA to please my partner(s), woman or man. Single mixed race guy looking for good times with new people. Verse Top, dad-bod bear.
Let's get together and hang out.

I am also vasectomy safe as of April '23. Feel free to ask me ANYTHING you like! Active skier, bicyclist and lover of quiet relaxation.

Mystery, beauty, passion, excitement.
Let me pound it like ground beef. Very active person whos loves any sport in general like to socialise with my friends not the biggest tv person but u can't beat a good comedy. I'm straight and am looking for a woman, possibly more than 1 with originality.I'm very experienced & U WILL CUM GUARENTEED!! If more comes from it great if not great.
I'm Juliet and I want to find a man with whom I think very open, a man with whom I can share all the love and tenderness I have, every moment we are together. Just a regular guy looking to meet new people and experiences. I appreciate a good conversation. Just Dont Be A Dbag Or A Bitch. It would be so Hot to be the 3rd!!
Young, outgoing, great eater and sexer, and make music. I just want some fun, nothing serious. Kinky and clean. I want to pleasure somebody, hooking up for this next week.
If you are a guy looking to share fun times. I like man and i wnat chat and maybe meet a male for discreet sex....
Figured people would want to see what I can find to have some fun in my spare time and try new experiences. Bay area women for sex Utica, NY. Try it out and explore the ultimate orgasims. DELETE AND BLOCKED !!!!!! I am a normal guy who likes change and exciting times.
Looking to find someone to go out (or stay in) with and have fun and enjoy ourselves.
Help me explore new kinks, looking for a Fwbs. Skip over me please.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.