Admittedly, I'm sort of the introverted type. Ft. Riley swingers blog. Reluctant wife sharing stories

Love sports(football) I do work hard but when weekend come i play even harder. Looking for some fun, dinner and drinks also. Maybe swap some stories over drinks D.We only play together, and in the same room, with girl on girl play required!.We have quite a bit of kink experience and would love to play out your fantasies. I am understanding, kind, smart, open-minded, hardworking, honest and sincere with good looks.I never speak negatively about people.
My name is Kim.
Az native raised by Southern parents and have the values and southwest charm.enjoy a variety of activitys and love the opertunity to get to know some New people.
I am a sapiosexual so the primary goal is to stimulate my mind.
Not into any couples or orgies those are not my thing. My ideal person is someone on the lighter side.

I have a huge 7in cock that always wants to please someone and my tongue wants to taste Ft. Riley sweet and salty pussy.

A friendly couple in their 20's and 30's that are looking for continuous fun but also open to one offs. Easygoing, social person who occasionally gets in here for new exciting things. Let's play? Do you want a wicked good tongue, big strong hands Ft. Riley and something more than average? In an open relationship, looking for one-night stands and hookups.
I enjoy being active in the warmer months as I ride bikes (both peddle & piston) cruisin' on my longboard or freshwater fishing.. Descreet safe clean taking loads from mature dads and senior grandpas. I do also wear 'normal' clothes sometimes XD. I am quick-witted, sarcastic, funny, a bit goofy and have incredible sensual & sexual energy. I (F) manage this Ft. Riley profile, but we are both interested in what you have in mind.. Women near Detroit, MI women casual sex Lawrenceburg, TN. I also prefer giving g rather than receiving in most instances.

Send me a message if you're up for the challenge, laughter, and an active lifestyle, let's make some memories together on and off the road. Nice guy looking to venture out and experience new things. I am from Edmond, OK and just looking for fun with ladies or couples.

My ideal match would be someone who is safe sane and able to be very discreet...would love to find someone as EQUALLY outgoing as myself. Naked ghetto girl outside. I like my coffee black my steak blue, Guiness and my single malt straight.
Get to know each other with a 1st date Spa Day, and at some future time enjoy the occasional quickie, or unhurried, satisfying, balls-deep fucking! I am a 21 year old female who is seeking on behalf of myself and my body, I love using perfume. Someone who vaguely understands how the female body and fertility work. Singles, couples and group play are all on the table. Friends who are fun, discreet and uninhibited..
I am free to having good times with you at any level as you wish. I am looking to enjoy safe, clean fun with an honest, uninhibited female. Been a sub in a mistress's basement for 3 months, I miss it.
Also my flag tattoo on my arm is the basque flag. I have a professional career and amazing wife, and looking for something discreet as well. Someone who is independent and self-assured, but who still loves to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie..Someone also looking for a potential LTR.I am a submissive, i am attracted to dominate men.

There are medals in chess, all for the first places in the competition. I'm usually willing to try just about anything once, and somebody who is looking for some Ft. Girl for fun Hamburg. Riley nsa sexy fun and good female company.

If you find me attractive and love to know me more, kindly share your mo bile number with me.
And if all works out who knows where it will go from here... Please DON"T IM me, for starters it's a pain and when I realize I've received one the person is off line and I can't respond. I am interested in older ladies especially BBWS. Send me a note! Just ask...
8 in.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.